Martial arts, which are well known and practiced as traditional combat and sport, are practiced worldwide for various reasons.

There is a wide range of martial arts, from taekwondo, karate, jiu-jitsu, and muay Thai, which are popular for different applications such as self-defense, law enforcement, and military purposes.

While there are various ways martial arts are carried out, the joint lock is a common mechanism applied in self-defense.

Finger locks are considered one of the most effective self-defense techniques. However, the techniques are not involved in all martial arts.

It is selectively used in krav maga, Kung Fu, Hapkido, karate, and eskrima. This move completely blocks the opponent from any movement causing more harm or damage to the muscles.

Krav maga

Krav Maga utilizes several skills using the hand technique for either punches or strikes. Among other methods, finger locking is essential to dominating an opponent, which is a self-defense move.

Generally, it is a small manipulation technique that can be used effectively and, with great skill, can easily retain your opponent.

The movements involved are pulling or bending of the fingers, which significantly affect pain compliance strategy and create a great advantage for you over your opponent. In krav maga, it is an excellent source of control for your opponent.

Kung Fu

This sport involves more action, incorporating techniques such as wrestling, hitting, grabbing, and kicking dominate it.

It is important to note that a martial arts instructor best does these steps or acts; thus, it is vital to attend good training.

The finger lock control technique in Kung Fu uses the Chin Na technique, which is a technique that aims at locking or breaking the opponents’ joints are muscles.

The finger-locking method applies pressure against the joint by pulling the top of the finger. This hinders the opponent’s hands from moving.

However, this technique only involves self-defense and thus cannot be used as an attacking technique.


Karate is widely known as a striking art incorporating punches, kicking, and open-hand techniques as part of the sport.

Therefore, it requires equal defensive and blocking skills. Self-defense is generally an essential part of karate, and thus you must master it well and use it at a reasonable time by bending or applying pressure to one of the fingers.

Just like Kung Fu, it is one of the skills used to neutralize your opponent’s fighting ability. By targeting the opponents’ weak points, the finger lock technique can help create a balance for you.

It is all about self-defense which also requires excellent coordination to be well executed.


This is a martial art from the Philippines that uses rough approaches and thus requires significant coordination.

The techniques need you to be alert, anticipate shots from all angles, and defend against the weapons.

The art uses joint locks to trap or disarm an opponent, especially in self-defense. Applying pressure on the fingers is necessary to disarm your opponent and gain your footing in the sport.

Therefore, it requires excellent coordination and calculation to ensure that you have your attacker at a standstill for a moment.

The small manipulation technique helps you regain composure and control of the game.


This sport is well-known for using joint locks in the training process. It is a technique also used to attack; therefore, you must maintain your balance while at it.

More than anything, the essential requirement is good breathing techniques and keeping yourself centered.

It plays a significant role in how you attack and balance to apply the finger lock smoothly and accurately at all times.

Depending on the form of attack, there are different ways in which you can apply the finger lock control, and thus you need to learn and understand the different ways you can use it.

How to use the technique in approaching an attacker is essential to know how you will foot stability.

Final thoughts

Finger locks are a self-defensive technique whose application requires even more excellent skill to work around it.

You must first understand the sport you are undertaking and learn the dos and don’ts. For example, finger locking is banned in several sports, and others are limited to use.

For martial arts like hapkido, the technique is taught later when you advance to help gain control and better understand the sport.

Proficiency in martial arts is achieved through the numerous application of various finger locks. Apply the techniques with smooth control and train under different forms of attack to have an understanding of what they need.

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