The brown belt is the fourth color belt in Taekwondo and it signifies that the student reached intermediate skill and knowledge levels, but also has a solid foundation in the fundamental techniques and is now prepared to polish their abilities and begin learning more complex ones.

The brown belt is frequently linked to the idea of “maturity,” as students at this level are expected to demonstrate greater self-discipline, accountability, and leadership abilities.

They should also be more knowledgeable about the tenets and philosophy of taekwondo.

The lower brown belt and the upper brown belt are the two levels of the brown belt in some schools.

While the upper brown belt denotes the student is approaching the black belt level and is capable of performing more complex techniques with greater proficiency, the lower brown belt denotes the student is still honing their skills and is not quite ready for the more advanced techniques.

How long does it take to get the brown belt in Taekwondo?

The answer to this question normally varies based on several different factors, including the timeframe that it takes to earn each belt in this progression, the general style of taekwondo taught, the individual club, and the school that tailor’s its taekwondo practices.

Therefore, if you want to know how long it takes to get the brown belt, all of these things must be considered to determine the total length of time.

So, let’s get started by outlining a basic timeline that applies specifically to earning the brown belt in Taekwondo.

As referenced above, the timing usually varies. So, one of the most important factors is identifying the style of Taekwondo that the individual is interested in.

For example, the ITF (International Taekwondo Federation) ranking system has 10 ranks (i.e – belt colors), while the WTF (World Taekwondo Federation) Taekwondo ranking system has 11 ranks that students can get over time.

Therefore, in this example, the time requirements will be based on ITF/WTF ranking systems. The Taekwondo belt colors in this progression are listed below.

ITF vs WTF Belt Systems

Typically, in the traditional ranking system, the student may have an opportunity to get from 9 to 11 Taekwondo belts.

These belt colors usually range in level from white to black. The exact number of colors for the school or curriculum may differ significantly based on the organization or the school’s curriculum.

Thus, though there are 7 belt colors listed above that the student can get, the exact number may be higher.

For example, additional color belts may be in the progression. This will, however, depend on the school or organization that the student attends.

Also, In Taekwondo, the time requirement is left up to the Master Instructor. These are the experts that determine when it is time for the student to go from one geup or grade (i.e. belt) to the next.

The Master Instructor is also responsible for helping the student to successfully pass the requirements of each test. For example, the sequence for getting the next belt is as follows:

  • 1 to 3 months to pass a Physical test score – student must be proficient for the beginner grades (i.e. white, yellow, gold, or orange).
  • 2 to 4 months to get high color belt grades including the brown rank
  • 3 to 5 years of regular, dedicated training, to earn the black belt

As you can see, the timing can vary widely since there are really no standardized schedules in Taekwondo that must be met.

Instead, the ultimate timing usually depends on the master instructor and the student’s overall progress.

This means, as a general rule of thumb, after completing the beginner grades of taekwondo 1 to 3 months, it may take approximately 2 to 4 additional months to progress to get the brown belt.

What tests are required to get the brown belt?

The requirements for completing testing can also differ based on the style and program. In fact, the master instructor is responsible for both preparing the student and testing their knowledge and abilities before they can get the brown belt.

Here’s an example of the High Kick Taekwondo program that is published online.


Recite Student Creed #3


Tae-guk Yuk-jong

Self Defense:

  • Front Headlock
  • Side Headlock
  • Straight Punch


  • Push Forward
  • Push Back


  • Front Leg Ax
  • Front Leg Hook
  • Double Roundhouse (front-back)
  • Hook – Roundhouse
  • Back Hook Kick

Miscellaneous: Head / Armlock Takedown

Strikes: Ridge Hand

Jumps: 45

Push-ups: 45

Sit-ups: 90

  • Stances / Blocks:
  • Horseback Riding Stance
  • Single Knifehand Block
  • Forward Stance:
  • Lower, Inner, Outer, Rising

Reverse Outer Blocks, Inner Block-back fist, Single Knifehand Block, Double Knifehand Low, and Middle Blocks

What is the next level after this belt?

Once the student has earned their brown belt, the next level in this progression is the red belt.


How long does it take to get the brown belt in taekwondo? The answer to this question will vary based on a number of different factors, including the style of taekwondo, the master instructor, and the school that tailors its Taekwondo practices.

Therefore, whenever an individual is working toward getting their brown belt, all of these individual things should be considered in advance.

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