Shou Shu comes in many styles that vary greatly. The particular style used when practicing Shou Shu is determined by the individual practitioner’s interest and skill set.

So, What Is Shou Shu?

Shou Shu is a Chinese martial art that emphasizes both the physical and mental aspects of fighting. Renowned as the beast’s art of fighting, this art deals with the use of seven animal movements; Bear, Dragon, Mongoose, Tiger, Crane, Serpent, and Mantis, all merged to produce a beasty fighting style.

The strategy has been learned and perfected over the years through trial and error. Essentially, Shou Shu employs techniques that create an imbalance between the opponents by attacking power points, joints, and nerve centers.

The goal is to incapacitate your opponent in as little time as possible before they can attack you.

Is Shou Shu effective?

Shou Shu is a very effective martial art and is popular in a number of countries. It puts the practitioner at a large advantage over other forms of the fighting because the movements are not learned through rote repetition but through trial and error and training against an opponent.

The intense training helps to body-build the practitioner, strengthen their limbs and bones, increase their reflexes as well as improve their sight and hearing abilities.

For example, the typical fighter will use techniques like high kicks because the boxer’s legs are built to kick high, and the lower leg muscles can absorb some of the shocks.

Therefore, instead of training a kick to be more powerful and reach a longer distance, the movements are already practiced and used so that you have a shorter time training them before they become used to their natural form.

Shou Shu is known for its low joint movement emphasis and its emphasis on joint locks. That being said, you will see a lot of leg locks in Shou Shu that are performed around the knees, ankles, and feet.

You will also see bruising techniques used often to cause restricted blood flow or damage to nerve endings to force your opponent from continuing the fight rather than finishing them off with a strike.

What are techniques used in Shou Shu?

Shou Shu heavily relies on Chi for its strikes. This is where the saying “Feel Like Iron, Strike Like Lightning” comes from.

For novices, San Soo techniques are taught to enhance reactions to sudden responses to attacks, as well as stretching the movements of different joints through awareness.

Furthermore, you will see a lot of practices similar to “spinning” actions in which the practitioner uses their entire body’s weight to create momentum and then shifts their weight before striking.

Other more advanced techniques such as punching, elbow throws, neck breaks, and chokes are also used in this style.

Shou Shu’s most recognized techniques are the high kicks and palm thrusts used against the head and body, respectively.

Who practices Shou Shu?

Shou Shu can be practiced by anyone around the world, including police officers. Shou Shu practitioners can be found in many Chinese styles, including Chinese Wrestling, Taekwondo, and Wing Chun.

The practitioners use the unparalleled power of their own minds to tap into the untapped potential within their bodies.

Shou Shu is also well known for its ground fighting. Ground fighting is used when you are on the ground and your opponent is above you.

This aspect of Shou Shu uses holds which can be used to break your opponent’s limbs or as a way to hold them down while you kick them at their most vulnerable parts, such as the neck and head.


Shou Shu is a Chinese martial art that emphasizes both the physical and mental aspects of fighting.

As such, it is a great form of martial arts that teaches you how to channel your emotions into something that can be used against an opponent.

Shou Shu helps body-build, increase your reflexes, strengthen your mind and body’s ability to react quickly when attacked, and learn how to defend yourself efficiently.

The art deals with seven animal movements: the bear, the mongoose, the tiger, the crane, the snake, the dragon, and the mantis.

The art is taught through trial and error and training against a real opponent. However, if you are not tough on yourself and don’t have the will to learn new things, then Shou Shu is not for you.

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